Immensely Reduce Carbon Footprint
Through Recycling

Work with ECO USA to achieve your carbon neutrality goals. The term “carbon neutral” refers to having a net zero carbon footprint. Simply put, the carbon dioxide emissions your company produces are fully balanced by your company’s actions to remove carbon from the environment.

Send Silicone
Scrap to Recycle

One of the most straight forward ways to becoming carbon neutral is through recycling. By sending ECO USA expired, used, obsolete, and left-over silicone materials for recycling, you’re helping reduce the amount of landfill materials and lowering carbon emissions.

Partner With ECO USA

Innovation, Integrity & Sustainability

Eco-Friendly Products

Another great way to lower and offset your carbon emissions is to introduce our silicone products into your manufacturing stream. Our silicone products are high-quality, economically priced and substantially lower in carbon footprint compared to virgin grade silicones.